Subiyantoro Subiyantoro



Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmenemukan dan mendeskripsikan struktur, bahasa yang dipilih untuk mentransmisikan, serta karakter pesan teksmonologis yang ditulis di ruang pesan tiga grup WhatsAppdan sekaligus dikirim ke seluruh anggota grup. Data berupa pesan teks monologis, diperoleh dari sumber tertulis tiga grup WhatsAppberbeda dengan cara membuat tangkapan layar pesan teks yang dipilih. Untuk menguji validitas data dilakukan wawancara dengan informan terkait. Data berbahasa Prancis bersumber dari sebuah grup WhatsAppyang anggotanya berprofesi sebagai guru bahasa Prancis, data berbahasa Indonesia diambil dari sebuah kelompok pengajian, dan data berbahasa Jawa diperoleh dari sebuah grup WhatsAppRW. Data terkumpul dianalisis berdasar perspektif monologis Bakhtin. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pesan teks monologis di dalam ruang pesan grup-grup WhatsApptersebut dituturkan dari penutur yang berwewenang kepada seluruh partisipan di masing-masing grup dalam konteks pemberian informasi.  Pesan teks monologis tersebut dapat berstruktur lengkap atau semi lengkap, cenderung disampaikan dalam bahasa yang prestise di lingkungannya, dan secara umum bersifat otoritatif.

 Kata kunci: monologis, otoritatif, pesan teks, WhatsApp


This studyaimed to discover and describe the structures, language preference, and characters of the monologic text messages written and sent to all group members in the message spaces of three WhatsApp groups.The data that were in the forms of monologic text messages were obtained from three written sources, which were three WhatsApp groups, by taking and saving screenshots of selected text messages. To test the validity of the data, interviews were conducted with informants. The data written in French were collected from a WhatsApp group whose members are the French language teachers. The data written in Indonesian were obtained from a Quran reading group, and those in Javanese were collected from a WhatsApp group of a community unit (RW). All of the collected data were analyzed based on Bakhtin's monologic perspective. The results of the analysis showed that the monologic text messages in the message spaces of the WhatsApp groups were written by speakers (group members) with authority over all other group members in the three WhatsApp groups in terms of providing information. The monologic text messages were either complete or semi-complete, tended to be conveyed in language that showed prestige in each group’s environment, and were generally authoritative.


Keywords: monologic, authoritative, text message, WhatsApp


monologis; otoritatif; pesan teks; WhatsApp

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